June 12, 2010

Equality of Genders

Well when we have to talk about difference between rights of genres. The perspective will be very different depending if you are man or women especially in our country.
It can sound pretty obvious but wouldn't if we have the same rights.
For this reason I am going to talk about discrimination, advance and backward in our rights as women.

In this time,to few months to celebrate the wrongly called “bicentenario” (our independence just was until 1818 not in 1810) is necessary to look back into the past and be able to understand this long fight what has been the claim of female rights

In the last times the claims of female rights has been present in government programs, like was the creation of SERNAM at 3 January of 1991, and all campaign’s programs of different candidates of popular election, in fact our last president was a women.
But until where this politics signals has meaning a real change in the equality of genre?
It is so important continue fighting for have the same rights in all the fields: economic, politic, social and in especially genres. Why is the last one so important? Because I think that is the easier to get it, no matter if we have a lot of policies about equality of genders if before we aren’t able to looking at each other like equals.

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